Supporting Environmental Sustainability is at the foundation of Tagwall core values and business approach.
Environmental sustainability
From the products we produce, through our operational process, we holistically apply best practices with ecological requirements. Tagwall contributes to sustainable building goals, promoting healthy, safe, and responsible spaces.
Tagwall's manufacturing and project delivery methodology includes a multifaceted approach to sustainability. With optimized processes to minimize negative environmental impacts, Tagwall focuses on energy conservation, ease of assembly, and manufacturing waste management.
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Advantage Gold certification assures that building material products support a healthy indoor environment by meeting strict indoor air quality (IAQ) chemical emission limits for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). To be certified, products must be tested by independent labs for compliance with CDPH/EHLB Standard Method V1-1 for VOC emissions of concerns. (Paints, coatings, sealants and adhesives must also meet VOC content requirement in addition to the IAQ emission standard.)
SUstainable standards
As part of our commitment to environmental stewardship, Tagwall contributes to LEED credit requirements in the areas of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) & Materials and Resources.